Traffic And Passenger Data Collection At EWR

INFOTRAN, under the existing contract for traffic engineering, is providing Traffic Data Collection and Passenger Survey services to the PANYNJ for Liberty International Airport. The scope includes the following.
Perform ATR counts for the duration of the survey at 150+ locations. Perform turning movement counts at the intersection locations. Review the raw turning movement count (TMC) data for missing records. Resolve any issues identified with the raw data and produce summary tables with the validated turning movement counts. Record videos of the turning movement count locations to document one day (24 hours) of vehicular activities coinciding with the Vehicle Class Count (VCC) data collection. Perform vehicle classification counts utilizing high-definition video cameras. Perform Taxi Frontage to collect taxi pick-up activity metrics (vehicles & passengers). Collect and record license plate data with the vehicle classifications. Review video recordings, count, and classify the vehicles into vehicle classes. Conduct & record passenger surveys for travel trends. Capture and perform queue length analysis and weaving volumes and maneuvers.
Project ID#157-18.04
LocationNewark, NJ
Unique AttributesTraffic Data Collection Passenger Survey