Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) has made pedestrian and bicycle safety a top priority. NJDOT has implemented several policies and programs over the years to make the streets safer for cyclists and pedestrians.
INFOTRAN as a sub-consultant supported the Authority by providing professional engineering services to the Bike and Pedestrian Planning program – Perry Street Corridor Study at Trenton, New Jersey.

The scope of work included but not limited to:
• 10 TMC counts performed during a weekday for the AM, Midday and PM peaks totaling 9 hours, taking place from 6AM – 9AM, 11AM – 2PM and 3PM – 6PM respectively
• 8 ATR counts performed for 24 hours a day for 7 full days

INFOTRAN also provided an estimation for simple volume counts as well as counts that capture speed data along with class data.

Project ID#100-16




New Jersey

Unique Attributes

Traffic Data Analysis