On- Call Traffic Engineering Services (SBE) during 2019-2022

INFOTRAN as a prime consultant is providing Traffic Design & Traffic Engineering Services for the PANYNJ for 2019-2022 on a “Call-In” basis. INFOTRAN will provide traffic design services on “call-in” basis under this Task Order. The scope of work under each task order will vary but will generally consist of preparing traffic engineering analyses, conceptual plans, functional plans, reports and/or contract drawings, specifications, and estimates for a wide variety of new capital construction projects and rehabilitation projects covering various areas such as traffic signing design, facility-wide signing system design, traffic signal design, timing, operation, and modification, maintenance and work area protection plans, specifications, and estimates, conceptual roadway plan development, parking facility design and analysis, pavement marking design, planning, conducting, coordinating, and analyzing traffic surveys, crash analysis and countermeasure development for high-frequency locations, traffic operational analyses, traffic demand and traffic assignment/simulation model development, field investigations, observations, or measurements, providing capacity, delay, Level of Service (LOS), Origin and Destination (O&D), and other traffic data analyses, construction cost estimating, conceptual or preliminary design, contract plan, specifications, and estimates preparation traffic counts using Video camera Counts, Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATRs), Turning Movement Counts (TMCs) using division Cameras, travel time runs and performing physical inventories at designated locations.
Project ID#157-18
LocationNew York, NY
Unique AttributesNon-Intrusive Counting
Weaving Sections
Travel Time Runs
Field inventories at all study intersections